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Michigan Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators

MACLEA Spring Conference 2015

  • 04 Jun 2015
  • 9:00 AM
  • 05 Jun 2015
  • 4:00 PM
  • Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI


  • Membership is required for attendance. Cost of the event covers breakfast and lunch for both days. Guest registration includes 1 year MACLEA membership.
  • Cost of registration covers 2 continental breakfasts and 2 lunches and assists in offsetting some of the presenter fees.

Ferris State University

Dates: Thursday, June 4, 2015
and Friday, June 5, 2015
This year, MACLEA will be charging a nominal conference registration fee to assist in offsetting costs of the Spring Conference. MACLEA Members dues are a separate fee. Payment is not required at the time of registration. You will be sent an invoice for the registration fee if you need to pay by check or cash.

Thursday, June 4

8:00 AM - Registration Opens & Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM  - Opening - Presentation of Colors / Remarks / Introductions

9:30 AM - VAWA Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding

10:30 AM - OK@SAY: MSP Presentation

11:00 AM - Vendor Presentations

11:30 AM - Board Meeting & Updates

12:00 PM - Lunch (Provided)

1:00 PM - Behavioral Intervention Teams: Best Practices - D. Stafford & Associates

6:00 PM Hospitality Room - Sponsored by Siemens @ the Holiday Inn

Friday, June 5

7:30 AM -  Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM - Violence Against Women Project: Deidre Ford, Michigan Pros. Attorney's Association

12:00 PM  - Lunch (Provided)

1:00 PM  - Legislative Update - Senator Rick Jones
- Distribute New Fire Code
- Question & Answer

1:45 PM - MIOC Update - Lt. Heather Schultz

2:30 PM - Jacob Mouro, ICPS -  Physical Security Assessment Process

Area Lodging

Holiday Inn - $99 per room reserved under MACLEA 231-796-4400 ext 534

@ 2024 Michigan Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators

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